Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oh me oh my!

Wow, I've been a blog slacker!  I've been working super hard so so so many projects, and neglected to tell anyone about them.

Firstly, I took a bit of an art siesta last summer/fall.  I moved and wasn't getting many bites on my art work, so I took break to re-evaluate my plans.  So I got a non-art job as a sales manager and put art on the back-burner.

But then, just as I started to feel the art itch kick in, I got a call saying I was an Illustrator's of the Future winner!  What a great kick in the ass!  Now I get to go strut my stuff in L.A, and have a one week crash course in illustration.

So thanks, because there's no better way to feel all pumped and excited about art!

Since January I've done six new portfolio pieces and tweaked two others.

I'm on roll to make 2012 the very best illustration year yet.  So wish me luck!